Amber Moon, Ann Mayburn: Decadent Publishing (A buck a book Win a Nook Hop)

book a buck for a nook Promo Three2Select authors at Decadent Publishing are taking part of a hop where they are offering there books for the discounted price of $1.00 and you get to enter a giveaway for a Nook a Rafflecopter giveaway and to keep hopping Link

The book I purchased was Amber Moon by Ann Mayburn I wanted to try something different.

Amber MoonAmber Moon,  Ann Mayburn

Sabrina is a strong werepuma, a beta but due to her dual natures she needs two mates a male and a female alpha pair to be physically and mentally happy. Unfortunately for her she can usually only find one or the other, in alpha couple Madeline and Nick of the Amber Moon Pack she gets both the soulful and the physical connection.

Bookswagger Marcia:For a 11,000 words we get multiple xxx scenes and a killer which I was not expecting which definitely bumped this story up for me, I was just expecting erotic bedroom or woodsy scenes being a shifter erotic romance and all but there is actually a plot and I was able to jump in and enjoy the author weaving Madeline and Nick’s shared history throughout the short read so it made sense. Good read I paid 1.00 @ Amazon and I am not mad about it. There is only so much I can put in a review about a book for 11,000 words without giving it away. I will say this is more about Madeline and Sabrina then Nick, you get romance, action and backstory all in a book you can read during your lunch break so I am giving props where props are due.

4 thoughts on “Amber Moon, Ann Mayburn: Decadent Publishing (A buck a book Win a Nook Hop)

  1. michellewillms2013

    Loving the hop…hope I win. And the ménage and a murder…now that sounds right up my alley. To read about I mean. I don’t plan to have a ménage a trois and then kill someone, Thanks for all the fun.

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