My Authors After Dark Savannah (experience)

My Authors After Dark Savannah (experience)  AADSAV was my first conference, I have been to events in my community but nothing on the scale of AAD. I am so happy I went and still have my post conference glow, even though my phone was forever lost on the last day (I almost made it). I […]

My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked), Ann Mayburn

My Wicked Devil, Ann Mayburn Daredevil Kira is unable to close the deal with men after an accident shattered her pelvis. She has dated women after painful attempts with the opposite sex. Utilizing research and friends who are in the lifestyle she turns to bdsm, hoping a machoist will teach her how to turn pain […]

The Vampire, the Witch and the Werewolf, Louisa Bacio

The Vampire, the Witch and the Werewolf, Louisa Bacio Lily Anima needs help, she is coming upon her thirtieth birthday and her powers are growing out of control. Powers she has no idea how to control or why she has them, she just barely acknowledged she even has them. She has traveled to New Orleans to obtain […]