My neighborhood has a Little Library

My neighborhood has a Little Library

If you do not know what a little library is, it is like a over large bird house, they can come in some pretty adorable aCaelan at the Little Librarynd funky designs, it just depends on your hood. Well I was on my way to the grocery store and I noticed one in my hood. Excited party of one, now came the dilemma of deciding what book or two to add. I mean I could not be selfish and turn my whole hood into romance fiends…Right?

The whole concept of the Little Library is to add a book for others to read and then you can take a book, the good ole honor system. I had to explain that to my nephew last night, but only twice. You see he wanted to take a book but I brought two so we were covered. In all fairness he was along for the ride he did not understand it until he saw it.

The two books I added to the collection.

A Personal Matter, Karyn LanghorneOne A Personal Matter by Karyn Langhorne. I enjoyed this book it is a reread for me even though it is only told from the heroine’s point of view, but I really feel it will fit the neighborhood, which is a mix of college students, middle to lower income, elderly and very ethnic. (Check out my review).

I also added a newer book Tangled (Tangled, 1) by  Emma Chase. I have not read it but it is really hot right now and I see some good reviews on it. It is very shiny, and sometimes covers attract readers and I want to attract readers to the Little Library!

Do you have a Little Library in your hood? What book would you add? I wrote a little note to include in A Personal Matter, I just wanted the person to know why I chose the book and why I love reading, I want a book pen pal!

8 thoughts on “My neighborhood has a Little Library

    1. Bookswagger

      Thank you as I am his only Aunt I like to think I am his fav! I hope they write me back to…I am such a cornball when it comes to books. I really did like the story. Just rang so true even though she was a V her circumstances and need for her to be a good big sister is what lead to that and she had her own negative stereotypes about other races. If you read it I would love to know what you think. NO PRESSURE I can imagine what your TBR looks like.

    1. Bookswagger

      Yes I say hook them one romance at a time! Also include a little note mine was just a paragraph but its not a must I know I would love to get a note even on a index card I always wonder why people like to read it why they like the books they like.

  1. anna@herding cats & burning soup

    I just love those! I’ve not seen one in my area but enjoy all the pictures online of them. It’s such a great idea. Our neighborhood has a LOT of walkers. I’ve wanted to put one up on my side yard but haven’t gotten up the nerve yet. Maybe one day 🙂

    1. Bookswagger

      Yes, I think I would def want to do one myself one day…But I am so protective, I would have to ease up a little first, lol. But I could see a themed out cat house super cute.

    1. Bookswagger

      Yes mine had a lot of classics and children books so I liked that I added a little diversity and something newer. I can’t wait to go back and see if someone took my picks. When you go take a pic and tag me on Twitter or something I would love too see what the one in your town looks like and the book you decided to go with!

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