Review| Driven Hunger, Julie Morgan

Review| Driven Hunger, Julie MorganDriven Hunger, Southern Roots 4 by Julie Morgan
Series: Southern Roots 4
on July 14, 2015
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 228
Source: Self
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Makayla Shaw left her past love behind. Ready to move forward, she receives tickets and a private meeting with Deep Ember. She knew meeting up with old friends in this band would be fun, but what she did not expect was Matt.

Matt, Deep Ember's drummer, enjoyed his music and his women. When Makayla came back into the spotlight, he knew he wanted, her but how much, he was not sure. When he discovers the torment Makayla has been through, will he be able to keep his own feelings from surfacing? Will Makayla guard her heart from being hurt again?

When two people have an intimate friendship with no feelings, can heart still be broken?

Okay, I bought this one because the reviews sounded great and I was looking for a new author and I wanted to try the Rock Star world again. Because people still love it and I have had a few good reads within it, but more nays than yays.

Well this was a yay. We have Makayla who thank the heavens was not a punk, she left an abusive relationship. She was only looking for a little fun with Matt, no jumping in to soon, purely a grown woman looking for some fun.

But this is a romance and the two do fall for each other, the progression is realistic, groupies, angst and all. Driven Hunger started out as a  friends with benefits read. The progression went from I enjoy spending time with you to I don’t want to see anyone else while we do whatever this is we are doing. To I guess our time is up, but damn I really like you and I did not want to, with hot peel the walls off the bedroom antics all up in between.

If you like Rock Star Romance where the focus is on the heroine/hero and the characters are actually adults then give it a go.

6 thoughts on “Review| Driven Hunger, Julie Morgan

    1. Marcia

      A romance where the hero or heroine is in the life so living the rock star life. In the case of this one the hero was a drummer ( I see you:))

    1. Marcia

      Yes, this is usually the genre I fall back on the most but I really liked this one. Not all angsty and why me… boo hoo I am rich and high, which I hate.

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