Review| Awakened (The Oracle Chronicles Book 1), Moni Boyce

Review| Awakened (The Oracle Chronicles Book 1), Moni BoyceAwakened by Moni Boyce
Series: The Oracle Chronicles, 1
on July 9, 2019
Genres: Contemporary Fantasy
Pages: 234
Source: Self
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Secret lineage, a ruthless vampire, and forbidden love.

Willow Stevens dreams of stardom are eclipsed by the real nightmares of a sinister man haunting her dreams. Unbeknownst to her, Eli Walker, her hot but snobbish co-worker, may know the reason nightmares plague her, but their history shows he is more prone to reject her, than help her.

Then Willow passes out at work only to wake in Eli's apartment. There she has her chance to learn more about her heritage. But, knowing why the vampire king stalks her doesn't make the nightmares disappear. If anything, they become more real as she now faces off against a slew of creatures she'd always believed were myth.

That Eli is one of those creatures is just her luck. Secret witch guild or not, his natural ways are casting spells her heart can't escape. As a Protector his only focus should be her safety. Anything else is forbidden. He plans to stay on task, but some women break a man, or tempt him to break the rules.

Can Eli keep Willow alive and safe from the vampires long enough for her to grow her own powers or will both cast aside rules for a reckless passion that will only lead to danger?

AWAKENED is the first installment in The Oracle Chronicles series. This interracial, paranormal romance is a great mix of magic and adventure.

**This book is part of a series and ends in a cliffhanger.**

Willow Stevens was an unexpected heroine (in the best possible way). My favorite characters, or maybe tropes would be more accurate or new world. I love when the main character has to adapt to a world that is new to them and everyone else is already aware of the rules. Willow had to do that in spades, even her poor dog was not who she thought he was… I was like dag, not the dog!

I loved the unexpected take on “others” yes, I am a paranormal/fantasy OG but this author used these figures and made them unique and some of the expectations, were thrown out the door, which I liked.

The book says cliffhanger but I did not get that although I have to admit the end did get a little confusing. My copy stated the ending was an epilogue per the author note but it had a chapter number and continued for quite a while. The romance wrap up was a bit jarring but all in all even without it, I would have still been cool with the way the book ended.

So to my romance readers. It is safe to read. You get your HEA
plus the other books are out, see sale now until June 7th link  all four books are currently in a 3.99 for the digital box set.

About Moni Boyce

Moni Boyce is a writer, filmmaker, travel blogger and author of contemporary and paranormal romance. She spent the last fifteen years working in the film industry and now creates characters of her own and brings them to life on the page. She considers herself a bookworm, film buff, foodie, music lover and an avid world traveler having visited 33 countries, 5 continents and 27 US states so far.

2 thoughts on “Review| Awakened (The Oracle Chronicles Book 1), Moni Boyce

  1. Jen

    Oh… thanks for the review and introduction to a new-to-me author. Will you be reading/reviewing more? I would like to hear your take on the second book – is it a different couple or?? How does the overall story arc play out?

    1. Marcia

      I am reading the second book now it is the same couple… I am reading more. I had been hesitant to review because my taste has changed a lot. I have actually been on your blog looking for books because you read a lot of UF which is what I am liking. UF/CF without a lot of romance. With being romance blog so long I just did not know how to do it. But now I am like F it… who cares what I talk about. LOLOL

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